3 Lots 223 S Duncan $ 180,000.00
3 Lots 223 S Duncan
$ 180,000.00Tax ID Address Legal 58666 323 S Duncan Collage Add BLK 14 Lots 14,15,16
Tax ID Address Legal 58666 323 S Duncan Collage Add BLK 14 Lots 14,15,16
1.19 Acres Lot Parkview Estates Addition Tax ID Address Legal 48223 4606 N Williams Ct (Perkins Rd- S Parkview) South of Parkview Estates 1.19 Acres
2 Lots Totaling 6.07 Acres 6022 N Washington Rd On HW 177 Tax ID Address Legal 4458 6104 N Washington (177 North) 0.98 Acress 53923 6022 N Washington 5.09 Acres
3 Lots Totaling 34.65 Acres North Slope Addition North of Richmond Elementary School On the East side of Lakeside Golf Course
Sale Price: $3,000,000 8 Lots Totaling 36.58 Acres Richmond Hills Addition Corner of N. Perkins Rd. and E. Richmond Rd. Tax ID Address Legal 6811 229 E Richmond 5.23 Acres 6823 5298 N Perkins Rd/Richmond Hills 11.16 Acres 17566 5124 N Richmond Hills 4.84 Acres 17568 5116 N Richmond Hills 3.04 Acres 17569 316 E Richmond Rd 4.01 Acres 17570 5108 N Richmond Hills 2.44 Acres 17571 5111 N Richmond Hills 3.32 Acres 17574 5119 N Richmond Hills 2.58 Acres